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Visions and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


school motto

Our Aims

At Hywel Dda we aim to provide a very happy and caring learning environment where children can feel safe and secure.  We promote high expectations of work and behaviour and provide all children with the opportunities to develop their talents and skills.  We support our pupils to become confident, independent and lifelong learners and we aim to provide this through maintaining a high standard of teaching and learning and through the promotion of meaningful partnerships with all linked agencies, the community and the home.


The school aims:

  • To provide a happy, caring, nurturing, secure and enriched learning environment for all children, in which they can thrive
  • To provide and deliver an exciting curriculum that is broad, balanced and ambitious and leads to excellent progression through irresistible learning, realising in our pupils the four purposes
  • To encourage all children to develop their full potential and find their talents by stimulating curiosity, emotions, enthusiasm and imagination.
  • To encourage the children, their families and the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school to have high expectations of what can be achieved
  • To prepare children to play an active and positive role in society by developing their skills, knowledge, confidence and independence.
  • To ensure everybody learns in an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect for diversity, in which they celebrate their own and other cultures
  • To foster a love of Wales, the Welsh language and Welsh culture – and cynefin.
  • To value the importance of caring for the environment and acquiring a healthy lifestyle
  • To be a community-focused and community-centered school which seeks to be central to and continually positively impacting upon the community

