The Governing Body exists to help Hywel Dda Primary School to deliver the best possible standard of education to all pupils, by working in partnership with the Headteacher and the staff.
The governing body is made up of volunteers drawn from parents, the community and school staff and helps to ensure that Hywel Dda Primary School is accountable to parents. The governing body has a responsibility for strategic planning, to monitor how the school is doing and to help identify any improvements where these are required.
Governing bodies are sometimes described as being the school’s critical friend - in representing the school’s interests we always try to be supportive, but also honest about where things need to improve!
In practice we meet our responsibilities by:
holding meetings every term or half-term, delegating specific work to three sub-committees and regular visits to the school by individual Governors;
contributing to and monitoring the implementation of the School’s Improvement Plan;
assisting the Headteacher with the school’s financial management, to help ensure expenditure delivers the outcomes set out in the School’s Development Plan;
utilising individual Governor’s skills to the school’s advantage and providing all Governors with training so they can carry out their role more effectively.
If you have any questions for Governors or would like more information, please contact the school office.
Mrs Victoria Evans Community
Mr D Stowell Community
Mrs G Williams Community
Dr G Morgan LA
Mrs Karen Sadler LA
Mrs Sarah Taylor LA
Cllr Andrea Gibson LA
Mrs F Williams (Chair) Parent
Miss C Greatrex Parent
Mrs S Dullard Parent
Miss C Chick Parent
Mr C McGregor Parent
Miss K Flynn Headteacher
Mr P Harrington Support Staff
Mrs A Course Teaching Staff
Miss L Lloyd-Lewis Clerk