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Digital Learning

Welcome to the Digital Learning Council


The teacher running the Digital Learning Council is Mr Jones with many members of the council from Year 3 to Year 6. We encourage pupil voice and the pupils choose what they want to do for each council meeting.

Mr Jones - Digital Leader

Initial Council Meeting


The pupils were very excited to be a part of the Hywel Dda School Senedd and even more excited for their first council meeting for the Digital Learning Council. 


During this session we introduced ourselves and voted for 2 MP's to represent our council during Senedd meetings with our head teacher.


After the votes were cast and counted we moved onto the first agenda. Hear we used pupil voice to discuss and record what tasks we would like to do in future council meetings.


After every meeting the MP's for our council record minutes of the meeting where they write down what topics was discussed and what we are going to do next in the next council meeting.

Digital Council Meetings to Date


Since our initial meeting in the Autumn of 2017 we have have many council meetings and the pupils have completed tasks and reported back their findings to the headteacher in Senedd meetings.


The pupils have used pupil voice to choose what tasks they would like to complete. See below for the wonderful tasks the members of the Digital Learning Council have completed:


  • Researched various apps that would aid to learning.
  • Created a shopping/ wish list - we have been successful and bought more iPads, green screen and more.
  • Recorded guide/ help videos for members of staff and pupils to use various technology in the school.
  • Tested various apps to see if they are applicable to what we are learning in our topic work.
  • Elected digital leaders to help in classes from Year 3 to Year 6.
  • Created a Kahoot quiz and questionnaire for pupils and staff based on the Digital Competence Framework.
  • Spread the message on the importance of internet safety.

Google Classroom and Minecraft


During a Digital Council meeting we set up a Google Classroom account for our council to help with storing work and setting tasks.


We also created projects that link with our topic and can aid in what we are learning in Minecraft. The members tested the new Minecraft app and will feedback their findings to their class teacher and in the next Senedd meeting.


Examples of what they created can be seen in the images below:

Minecraft Projects
