The expectation is that all children are in school for a minimum of 95%. We promote, reward and encourage very good attendance for all pupils. Children will receive 2 DOJO points for every week where they have 100% attendance. We has class attendance awards each week for the classes with the highest attendance.
Parents and carers have legal responsibility for ensuring their children attend school. Schools have a legal duty to aim for good attendance and take action where a child's attendance is poor without a valid reason.
The only legal reasons to keep your child away from school is illness, bereavement (or family emergency) or religious observance. The time away should be as short as possible. Often, in a time of a family emergency, it is better for the children to attend school and remain as much in their routine as possible, and then the adults can concentrate on the issue, knowing the children are safe.
Clearly, if a child is unwell, such as having a fever, they should stay home until the fever has stopped. They do not need to remain home for minor coughs and colds . If a child has a stomach bug with vomiting or diarrhoea, they should stay home for 48 hours after the last incidence of vomit or diarrhoea. Obviously children sometimes have a one-off vomit because of some reflux or overeating - they do not need need to stay home after this.
If your child is absent from school we ask you for a text/telephone call at the beginning of the absence. Records are kept indicating whether an absence was authorised or not.
All absences from school must be explained. If we are not informed of your child’s absence then they will receive an unauthorised mark in the register.
Term-time holidays
We are able to authorise up to 5 days of holiday in each academic year, as long as a child's attendance is good overall. If more than 5 days of holiday are taken off school, then a fixed-penalty notice may be issued to each parent.
Punctuality is a very important part of children’s education and the cooperation of all parents is required to ensure that your child arrives before the bell ay 8.55.
Poor attendance and punctuality
We will always do our best to support a family who are struggling to ensure their children attend school every day. If you need support to get your children to school, please contact the school.
However, where attendance is poor without a valid reason , the Governing Body have adopted the Cardiff LA policy of issuing fixed penalty fines for parents whose children have 10 unauthorised absences or 10 instances of poor punctuality. It is issued to both parents. Families with persistent absences will be referred to the School Attendance Officer for monitoring. Very poor attendance will result in a referral to the Education Welfare Service and parents/carers can face prosecution.
If your child is absent, please contact the school on the morning of the first day of the absence, either by: