Parents who are considering sending their child to Hywel Dda Primary School should contact the Headteacher to arrange a visit, at which time they will be given the opportunity to look around the school and ask any relevant questions. After that they must apply to the Local Authority for admission as it is controlled by the LA. The nursery has 40 places. Pupils normally attend on a part time basis either mornings or afternoons Monday to Friday. Admission is as soon after a child’s third birthday as a place becomes available. In accordance with LA policy, the child will transfer to full time Reception in the September of the year they will be five. This also applies to children who have not attended the nursery. In any one year should the potential admissions exceed the published admissions number of 60 priority will be given to catchment area pupils. Parents of pupils falling outside the prescribed area are entitled to appeal against the decision.
Admissions Policy
You can find our Admissions Policy on our Policies page on our website, or click the link below,