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Additional Learning Needs

Additional Learning Needs 


Additional Learning Needs [ ALN] is the term now used to describe pupils who were previously known as having Special Educational Needs [ SEN] .

Our ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs Thomas. Mrs Lipscombe and Miss Flynn are the Deputy ALNCOs. They are all highly qualified, trained and experienced. 


What is Additional Learning Needs (ALN)?

When a child has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than their peers or has a disability that impacts on their access to education, they may have ALN. Children with ALN require support that is different or additional to what schools usually offer. The extra support is called Additional Learning Provision or ALP. The process of deciding whether a child has ALN can take up to 35 days.


Sometimes school can start this process and will involve and include parents. But parents may have concerns and may request that this process starts. If you want the process to start to decide if your child has ALN, please write or email Miss Flynn or Mrs Thomas, asking for the 35-day process to begin to decide if a child has ALN or not. This is 35 working days - so about 7 school weeks. 

A meeting will then be held with yourself, professionals (such as health or education professionals) and an ALNCo. 


The meeting is called a Person Centred Planning Meeting. [ PCP]  and  everyone's thoughts are recorded .   School will  invite appropriate professionals from health and education as well as parents and pupils to contribute to the meeting. 


The questions we consider are:

  •  What is going well?
  •  What is not going well?
  • Strengths
  • Challenges
  • What is important for the pupil?
  • What is important to the pupil?
  • What is the best thing about the pupil?

ALN Information


Support for Parents + Pupils 


Please contact school if you concerned about the support your child is able to access. We will work together to solve any concerns .

If you feel that we cannot sufficiently address your concerns  Snap Cymru is an organisation that provides  support and advice to parents  and pupils and will also work with school to resolve problems. 



Additional Learning Needs in Wales - what's happening?

Language Links and Speech Links 


This link will take you to a parent portal for the Language Links Programme that we use in school . You can have free access to resources and ideas to support the development of receptive language  and articulation of sounds. 


Language Support

Conflict Resolution & ALN
