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Relationship and Sexuality Education Lessons Overview

The information below shows and overview of the age-appropriate lessons each year group will experience which form our RSE Curriculum at Hywel Dda. These are organised under the 3 broad headings given in the Welsh Government’s RSE Code:


  • Relationships and identity

  • Sexual Health and Wellbeing

  • Empowerment, Safety, Respect


As well as being age-appropriate, the curriculum must also be stage-appropriate, and so adaptions will be made where a pupil or pupils have additional learning needs which require this.

What will primary children be taught?

Relationships and Sexuality Education The aim is to gradually build learners knowledge, skills and values as they develop emphasising the social and emotional aspects of relationships. Education about relationships in early development should focus on the building of self-esteem by encouraging learners to value themselves; recognise and communicate their feelings and form friendships.
