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Rights Respecting

The Rights Respecting Schools Award is a Unicef UK programme that aims to put children's rights at the heart of schools in the UK.


Article 4 - Governments must do all they can to make sure that every child can enjoy their rights

You can find out more information about children's rights at




Throughout this academic year we are going introduce children’s rights into our school ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.



We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the BRONZE award.         

 Well done to all the children for respecting other children's rights.





Please look at our class charters.....












Meet our 'Rights Brigade.'



The 'Rights Brigade' introduces the 'Right of the week' in assembly on Monday. Each class has a rights 'ambassador' to remind the children and teachers of the right of the week.







Keep a look out for our 'rights' of the week on Dojo.....




....... and our Rights Ambassadors in the classrooms




The Rights Brigade visited the National Assembly for Wales today. We debated our new playground charter in the old debating chamber and then went to visit the new debating chamber. We were lucky enough to interview the First Minister, Mark Drakeford and Neil McEvoy. To see the interview, please go to children - video resource centre.


Article 12 - we have the right to say say what we think should happen and to be listened to

Article 31 - we have the right to play and relax.








We learnt that Wales has the following devolved making rights;



Health, Welsh Language, Environment, Food safety, Transport, Education, Farming, Fire and Ambulance, Tourism and Sport and leisure (in order of hats!)


The 'Rights Brigade' talked about the playground charter to the Foundation Phase children, during assembly time - June 2019



They also talked to the children in Key Stage 2




Playground Charter



The 'Rights Brigade' asked every class to think about playtime and how we can improve it. Each class 'brain stormed' ideas of changes we could possibly make. This is linked to Article 12 - every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes. 


The brigade used this information to put together a playground charter which included the following articles;


Article 3 - best interests of the child

Article 15 - we have the right to meet other children

Article 19 - we have the right to be safe

Article 29 - we have the right to be the best we can be

Article 31 - we have the right to play and relax



The charter is now displayed by the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 playgrounds.




The year 1 and year 6 children learnt about being safe in the sun with Tenovus Cancer Care.


Article 19 - we have the right to be safe and not harmed.



The Arty Party made a collage to promote article 28 - everyone has the right to learn and go to school. This is now displayed in the school foyer.


UNICEF Soccer Aid 2019

The whole school took part in an event to support UNICEF and to raise money for life-saving food and vaccines, life-changing education and protection from violence so that children can simply be children. The children took part in various obstacle courses and had lots of fun. We raised £114


Article 31 - the right to play and relax




We celebrated World Environment day and World Ocean day by hi-lighting the problem of plastic in our oceans. We made sea creatures out of recycled plastic - June 2019. Article 24 - you have the right to the best possible health care, safe water to drink, nutritious food and a clean and safe environment.


The 'Rights Brigade' took part in a Youth Parliament event today.  Each group decided on a party name and what our party will be fighting an election about. Topics included rights of children in school, the rights of our community and global children's rights. Each party spoke about their issue of importance, we all had a very constructive discussion on the topics and then we voted for the best party. June 2019


Article 12 - the right to say what you think and to be listened to.













The 'Rights Brigade' visited City Hall at take part in the Grand Council - May 2019


Article 12 - Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously



The ECO council took part in the One Planet Day, where they discussed children's rights.


Article 12 - we have the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to.






The whole school took part in a 'Walk for Water' challenge for WE schools. October 2018


Article 24 - we have the right to have safe water





